1. Barcode Concepts

1.1. What is a barcode?

A barcode is a series of numbers printed on a product that contains all the information about the manufacturer. When scanned with specialized software, it allows consumers to check and know the origin of the product, creating trust and peace of mind when making purchases.
A barcode consists of two main parts:
- GS1 code: A series of integers, including groups of numbers that identify the product's origin, such as: What is the product? Which company or organization manufactured it? Which country does the company belong to?
With this numbering system, each product has a unique identification number worldwide. It is a standard code structure used to identify products across different countries and territories, similar to the telephone code structure for international calls.
- GS1 barcode: A series of parallel bars and spaces designed based on specific encoding principles to represent the code, or both letters and numbers, in a format that can be read by devices with laser scanners (Scanners) called optical scanning devices.

1.2. Commonly Used Barcodes Today

While there are many types of barcodes, the most widely used today are those representing the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). These are standardized by the international GS1 organization into a common EAN code for global use.
Two common types of EAN codes are EAN-13 and EAN-8 (abbreviated code):
- Consists of 13 digits, structured as follows (from left to right):
  • Country code: two or three digits.
  • Company code: four, five, or six digits.
  • Product code: five, four, or three digits depending on the company code.
  • Check digit: the final digit.
To ensure uniformity and uniqueness, country codes must be assigned to member countries by the international GS1 organization. Vietnam's country code is 893.
EAN-8 (abbreviated code):
An eight-digit code for small items, consisting of a country code, an item identifier, and a check digit.
Businesses wishing to use EAN-8 codes on their products must apply to the national numbering organization (EAN-VN). EAN-VN will directly assign and manage the item codes, consisting of four specific digits for the business.
In addition to the two commonly used types above, some companies in the US and Canada prefer to use UPC codes. UPC codes are similar to EAN codes but have 12 digits instead of 13. These codes are still recognized by the international GS1 organization but are not as widely used.

2. Why is barcode registration necessary for products?

  • Barcodes facilitate product management.
  • They streamline and improve the efficiency of trading and inventory management by enabling quick checkout and invoicing for customers.
  • Registering product barcodes saves time in the inventory and calculation process.
  • Barcodes help differentiate products from different companies.
  • Customers can use the barcode to identify the origin of the product.
  • Registered barcodes also facilitate product import and export activities.
  • They support electronic data interchange (EDI).

3. How to obtain a barcode for a product

To obtain a barcode for printing on a product, a company must complete a barcode registration application and submit it to the management agency (currently, the General Department of Standards and Quality in Vietnam manages barcodes, directly managed by GS1 Vietnam) to be granted a GTIN barcode. After receiving the GTIN code from GS1 Vietnam, the company creates the barcode for the product and prints it on the packaging for use.
Companies must pay an annual maintenance fee for using the barcode to the management agency.

4. Regulations on Barcode Registration

According to current regulations, registering barcodes for goods is not mandatory. Businesses may choose to use barcodes or not. However, if a business uses barcodes on its products, it is required to register with the competent authority. If a business fails to register and uses barcodes, it will be subject to administrative penalties according to Decree No. 119/2017/ND-CP on administrative penalties in the field of standards, metrology, and product and goods quality.
Registering barcodes not only helps businesses manage their products effectively but also helps them achieve global recognition.

5. Instructions on Procedures and Documents for Product Barcode Registration

5.1. Required Documents for Product Barcode Registration

According to Decree No. 74/2018/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 132/2008/ND-CP dated December 31, 2008 of the Government detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Product and Commodity Quality, the following documents are required for product barcode registration:
  • Product barcode registration form;
  • Registration form for the list of products and goods using GTIN codes;
  • A copy of the company's Decision on Establishment or Business License;

5.2. Barcode Registration Authorities

The competent state agency for barcode registration is the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality (GS1 Vietnam) - a specialized agency under the Ministry of Science and Technology. It is located at No. 8, Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi City.
Currently, GS1 Vietnam manages the national code 893 and is authorized to grant barcodes to products of manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers with business licenses and operating in Vietnam.

5.3. Procedure for registering barcodes for products 

The following are the steps involved in registering barcodes for products in Vietnam:
Step 1: Prepare the barcode registration application
The application package must include:
  • A written request for barcode registration
  • A copy of the business registration certificate
  • A copy of the product's quality certificate
  • A list of the product's specifications
  • A sample of the product's packaging
Step 2: Submit the barcode registration application
The application can be submitted online or in person at the Vietnam National Bar Code Center (VNC).
To submit online:
  • Scan the entire application package with the company's signature and seal and submit it through the GS1 Vietnam VNPC management system.
  • Pay the fee according to the information in the submitted online application.
  • After submitting the application online, send the original application package to the MSMV management agency.
To submit in person:
  • Submit the application package to the VNC office in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Pay the application fee.
Step 3: Application processing
Within 5 working days of receiving the original barcode registration application, the designated agency will forward the application to the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality (GSTD).
Step 4: Issuance of a temporary barcode and barcode registration certificate to the enterprise
  • After receiving the original application, the processing officer will review the documents submitted by the enterprise and the submitted online application for consistency. If they are consistent, the enterprise will be assigned a temporary code.
  • After receiving the temporary code, the enterprise must update the product information on the VNPC barcode management system with complete data. Within 1 month from the date of receiving the temporary code and the enterprise has fully updated the product information, it will send a request to send the original barcode certificate to GS1 Vietnam to receive the original MSMV certificate.
Note: After being granted a barcode registration certificate for a product, the owner must regularly update and declare product information using the barcode and exploit other features on the national barcode information management application (VNPC) at the website If not updated, the product will not be displayed on the barcode scanning software on mobile phones.

6. Product Barcode Types When Registering Barcodes

6.1. Company Code:

A company code is assigned by the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality (GSO) to an enterprise, which then uses it to assign codes to its products.
  • 8-digit company code: when registering a total of 1,000 to 10,000 product types;
  • 9-digit company code: when registering a total of 100 to 1,000 product types;
  • 10-digit company code: when registering less than 100 product types.

6.2. Global Location Number (GLN):

A GLN is used to identify a company's location, branch, warehouse, etc. (Note: GLNs are not used to identify products.)

6.3. EAN-8 Abbreviated Code:

The EAN-8 abbreviated code is used on very small products. This code is assigned to each individual product.

7. Fee Schedule for Product Barcode Registration

According to Circular 232/2016/TT-BTC on the collection, payment, management, and use of fees for barcode assignment, the following fees apply:
- Barcode Assignment and Usage Instruction Fee:
Classification of Fees
Using a GS1 Company Prefix (regardless of GS1 User Registration Number)
Using Global Location Numbers (GLNs)
Using the EAN-8 (GTIN-8) Global Trade Item Number
- Fee for registering (or confirming) the use of a foreign barcode number
The application has 50 or fewer product codes
500.000 dong/ application
The application with over 50 product codes
10.000 dong/code
- Annual fee for maintaining the use of barcode (maintenance fee).
Using GS1 Company Prefix
Using GS1 10-digit company code (for businesses using 100 item numbers)
Using a 9-digit GS1 company code (for companies using 1,000 item numbers)
Using an 8-digit GS1 Company Code (for businesses using 10,000 items)
Using GS1 7-digit company code (applicable for businesses using 100,000 item numbers)
Using the Global Location Number (GLN)
Using the 8-digit Global Trade Item Number (GTIN-8) (also known as EAN-8)
In case an organization or individual receives a Certificate of Right to Use Barcode Code after June 30, they shall pay 50% (fifty percent) of the maintenance fee corresponding to each type of barcode code as prescribed above.

8. Bar Code Registration Service at Thien Di

Thien Di is honored to be a companion and cooperate with you. We commit to completing the service in the shortest time and at the most reasonable cost.

8.1. Customer Benefits When Using the Service

Benefits when customers authorize Thien Di to represent them in registering barcodes:
  • Free consultation on related issues
  • Checking and completing the application for barcode registration
  • Representing customers in submitting applications, completing other necessary procedures, and handling arising issues during the barcode registration process
  • Assisting customers in receiving the Certificate of Right to Use Barcodes at the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality of Vietnam
  • Consulting on renewal and amendment of certificates
  • Discounts on any subsequent services at the company

8.2. Thien Di's Commitments

  • Prioritizing service quality
  • Successful barcode registration
  • No additional costs
  • Guaranteed time

8.3. Bar code registration for products will be supported by Thien Di in the following order:

- Consulting on choosing the type of barcode and the number of barcodes suitable for the size of the enterprise
- Consulting and completing the barcode registration application, including:
  • Application form for using barcodes (02 copies)
  • Copy of Business Registration Certificate (01 copy)
  • Application form for the list of products using item codes
  • Registration form for information according to the prescribed form for the GS1 database
- Submitting and monitoring the progress of processing the application for a barcode certificate
- Receiving barcode master film and transferring it to the Enterprise for printing and using
- Consulting the enterprise on how to use the barcode master film in printing
- Receiving the barcode certificate and handing it over to the customer

8.4. In addition, you can refer to some other services of Thien Di such as:

  • Applying for business licenses and investment licenses: Food safety and hygiene certificate
  • Food Announcement Service:
  • Cosmetics registration service
  • Announcement of animal feed and aquatic feed:
  • Consulting on registration for protection of exclusive brand logos, registration of exclusive logos, registration of copyright for logos
  • Consulting on procedures for announcing products and household items (detergent, dishwashing liquid, floor cleaner,...)
  • Consulting and applying for barcodes
  • Support for barcode registration for products.
  • Consulting and applying for Advertising Permits
  • Consulting and applying for Certificate of Free Sale (CFS)
  • Consulting on application for health certificates
Call us now for free consultation support!
Contact Info:
Address: No. 36 Street A4, Ward 12, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City
Hotline: 0981317075
Phone: 028.6293 9377


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